I'm going completely out of my element here, but this is something that has been bothering me for two weeks now... especially since I am no longer living in New Jersey and am in the midst of an army of die hard Redskins fans.
The Giants lost on Sunday night.. I mean, got destroyed, and it was catastrophic. But at least it was because the Colts played a stellar game and didn't make any douchey calls like the Texans on Redskins. And you know, we've still won a game so far while the damn Cowboys have lost both their games. So there's that. But here's what I don't understand: why all that HATE for my Giants?
I understand why people hate the Eagles or the Cowboys- my dislike is derived completely from the obnoxious fans. Every fan I've met has been full of trash talk and anger- I've even seen them turn on each other when the game wasn't going well! Now, I am absolutely NOT saying that every single Eagles or Cowboys fans are complete assholes, because I am sure that is not true. It's just every one by whom I have been accosted for being a Giants fan.
Everyone has their personal reasons. Perhaps everyone except for those people who follow a random team because everyone else is following that team (even if they've never even lived there!) I like to call them sheep.
But I have my own reasons. One of the few truly good memories I have of my father was going to Giants football games. It was the one and only thing that we did together. And when we weren't going to the game, we sat at home and cheered from the living room. It didn't matter- because that was the only time in which I was happy with my relationship with my father. That is where my love for the NY Giants stems from- that is where those positive memories lie in regards to my father. What is your reason for loving your team?
So I will repeat my question: why all the hate for the Giants? I heard someone even say "it was karma". Karma from WHAT, exactly? Now, I am no football expert by any means, but I do love to cheer on my team like any other. However, I do NOT like being verbally attacked simply because of the fact that I root for an opposing team. I certainly don't verbally attack any other fans.. and if their team is doing well, why NOT congratulate them?
I guess I just hate negativity. And I suppose that's the tiny optimist in me.
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