after precisely twelve days of exasperating sickness causing me to be bedridden with bronchitis and guilt-ridden for having missed so much work, i simply could not stand the challenge of staying inside for one more single day. and so, i charged my still recovering body to explore the city for an evening this past weekend. boy, was it worth it.
cheesecake factory is food heaven, i think. chicken marsala agrees with my tastebuds.
and so does red wine.
after which we stumbled upon a piano dueling bar. we stepped inside, walked upstairs to a giant room filled with tables and chairs and rowdy people drinking their happy hour rail drinks and enjoying two grand pianos in the middle of the room. two men were dueling with weapons of raw talent and amazing memory of every popular song of the past 50 years that anyone could possibly think of to request. wads of paper with already fulfilled requests were strewn about their feet as they sang mightily of every favorite song i could conjure. i enjoyed myself immensely.
it made me miss playing ,actually. i have not played rachmoninov, chopin, or beethoven in eighteen months.
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