yes, i know what you are all wondering. it was a fantastic birthday.
i'm officially twenty-three.. good lord i'm a grown-up.
meanwhile, today i was held up by busloads of angry small children going back to school and bopping each other on the head with their anime backpacks. twenty freakin minutes behind a giant school bus stopping at every driveway to be dropped off at school two blocks away!!!! what the heck?! now i definitely feel old, because now i have to use the line back in my day, i had to walk to a common neighborhood bus stop where aaallll the kids around were picked up. what ever happened to conserving gas and exercise on the way to school? oye vey.
moving on ..
i think i will always be a fan of washington dc market crab legs eaten by the lincoln memorial overlooking the river.. the only con would be the aftermath of fishy fingers for the rest of the day.. certainly a sacrifice i'm willing to make.
i love seafood.. and so do my lovehandles.
oh, speaking of which!
i have a crockpot. and i'm not afraid to use it.
and will have a (hopefully) yummy pot roast waiting for me when i get home tonight.
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