ahhh yes. hand sanitizer, air freshener, clorox wipes and febreze are all my best friends these days.
but nothing tops a first grader poo-ing her pants in my class.
at first, as they all filed in i thought i smelled something rather odd. I pushed the thought aside and continued teaching our new songs for this week. About five minutes passed and i realized the odor was becoming even worse. so i had the children stand up and i walked around the classroom pretending to observe but really, i was sniffing for the culprit. i finally realized it was a girl standing right in front and looking rather uncomfortable.
so i approached the girl and whispered "Faith, do you need to go to the bathroom?"
she looked confused at first until finally, a look of overwhelming realization spread across her face. she nodded ferociously, and i told her to go immediately.
she was literally gone for 20 minutes.
i was beginning to worry by the end of class. i realize these nuisances can be messy for a 6 year old to clean up, but 20 minutes? i thought maybe she went to te nurse.
she finally appeared and i asked her "Is everything alright?"
she grinned and said a little too loudly "Yep! I just had to wipe my butt!"
and thus, my air freshener's dying breath was used simply to kill the leftover doo doo odor wafting through the classroom.