these munchkins look how i feel.
disturbing news of the day = receiving an email from the future principal at the school i've already committed myself to teaching at for the next year. the email reads as follows:
Greetings New John Eager Howard Elementary Family:
I have been notified that I will be transferring out of John E. Howard Elementary as Principal, and moving to the Office of Professional Development.
uhhhh... vague much? maybe i wouldn't freak out so much had i been teaching for several years and already knew the ins and outs of such random transitions. HOWEVER, i have not been teaching for several years and therefore know nothing about this.. i was JUST hired by this lady and now she's leaving??? what the eff?
i hate how everything has been thrown at me for the past five weeks, and i'm supposed to just.. adjust. i've been complying with hardly a complaint, but at this point i'm about ready to tear my hair out. perhaps it's the eleven hour days.. or perhaps it's the fact that my brain is on overload and definitely leaking out bits of educational terms and acronyms. but seriously!! i'm tired of being in the dark in this situation. and YET, there really is no backing out now. i've signed a contract. i've made my commitment. so where is their end of the bargain?!?
sigh. oh sorry, long week and it's only wednesday and i'm ranting. are you still reading? if so, i commend you.
and oh. one of my mentors for an evening class quit last night with only 3 classes left to go because of obnoxious classmates exaggerating her lack of worth as a teacher. i admit, she wasn't great, but the chaotic class and complete tangents lengthening the two and half hour class to three or so hours was not ENTIRELY her fault. now we are teacherless, and my classmates are still idiots.
and oh. just received an email saying while i'm teaching for the next year i'll be continuing to be taking classes. not just twice a month as i was originally told, but every week.
what have i gotten myself into now?
serenity now, please.