I suppose it would be a general day of firsts. Or perhaps even a week. or two. or something like that.
let me explain..
Today was my first day of work.
in maryland.
in a brand new place.
:::cue nervous laughter... heh heh ...heh?:::
It's always an odd kind of nervousness.. it's not that I'm nervous.. it's just that I prefer not to present myself as a moron among my few fellow important colleagues. I'm still clumsy, there's simply nothing i can do to remedy that slight problem. I'd like to think it enhances my physique and personality...
right. not really.
luckily, it's the end of the day and my new vice president and four colleagues seem to still like me!
I'm working with a very small female-owned staffing company. I am now their general office manager. They give the impression of being an amazing dynamic small group of people, capable of completely affecting the events of my life.
Needless to say, I'm actually excited (for once) to go to work tomorrow.